Fence Companies Charlotte NC is a structure that encloses a yard or other area. It may be made of wood, metal or another material. Fences can be decorative or utilitarian.
A fence is a barrier that keeps unwanted things out. For example, a fence can keep criminals from trespassing on your property or prevent deer from munching on your gardens.

Fences can keep people and pets safely confined, preventing them from wandering or falling into bodies of water or other dangerous situations. They can also deter trespassers, whether those are criminals, a neighbor’s dogs or even the local wildlife that may be causing damage to your garden. Fences also provide security against wild animals, especially those that are known to be aggressive or carry diseases.
While a fence can prevent animals from entering your property, it is also important to make sure you use a durable and resilient material that will stand up to the bites, scratches and chewing of any wildlife that comes into contact with it. Some of the most common types of fencing include steel, aluminum and PT pine, all of which can be made to be highly resistant to insects, animal teeth and other environmental conditions that could cause damage to your fence.
Fencing has long been a tool for conservation managers, whose job it is to reduce human-wildlife conflict in order to protect both people’s livelihoods and wildlife populations. However, a recent paper in the journal BioScience points out that there is still much to be learned about the impacts of linear barriers on the movement and behavior of wide-ranging animals.
In the case of fencing, that learning includes identifying how animals respond to different kinds of barriers and examining whether or not fences really do block movement. For instance, one of the direct threats to sage grouse in the United States is their tendency to fly low and crash into strands of barbed wire, which can kill them. Similarly, antelope and guanaco often get tangled up in fencing in the wild and die of starvation or injury.
Fences can also block migration routes and change hunting patterns by predators and herbivores, as was the case with the rapid expansion of fencing in the Great Mara region of East Africa, which blocked wildebeests’ ability to follow seasonal rains into the grazing areas where they needed to be. These impacts are a major concern for the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS), which is seeking more information to help decision-making in future fencing initiatives.
Establishing Property Boundaries
Whether you’re planning to purchase property, or you already own your dream home, it’s important to understand the laws regarding property lines and fences. Knowing these rules and regulations can help ensure compliance with the law, as well as promote harmonious relationships with neighbors.
In most cases, property fences are built on or near the actual property line as a matter of convenience. This may have been to accommodate the layout of a garden or yard, or to avoid a tree, water or other obstacle. It’s also possible that the original adjoining landowners agreed to build a fence on one side of the boundary as a way to settle ownership. If so, the fence is deemed to be the legal property boundary line.
However, many people fail to understand that a fence does not automatically determine the property line. This is especially true if the fence is on the neighbor’s side of the property. For instance, if Alice builds a fence completely inside her own lot, Bob can mistakenly assume that the fence marks the boundary between their properties. This could lead to a lawsuit if the neighbor sells their house in the future.
It is typically possible to resolve fence-on-property-line issues through courteous communication and agreement between the parties. However, in some situations, it may be necessary to seek professional legal assistance. A New York real estate attorney who specializes in property issues can provide guidance and advice.
In addition to property line disputes, there are many other factors to consider when building a fence. For example, local ordinances may require setbacks to ensure that the fence does not interfere with utility lines or impede emergency services. Home Owners Associations (HOA) often have restrictions on the height and materials that can be used for a fence, and they may require specific colors to maintain uniformity in the neighborhood.
While the law regarding property lines and fences varies from state to state, it is important to have a basic understanding of these rules in order to be compliant with the law and avoid problems down the road. By taking the time to familiarize yourself with these issues, you can build a safe and secure fence that will serve all your purposes.
Preventing Weeds from Growing
Weeds can be hard to control, especially when they are invading your lawn. A fence can help prevent weeds from spreading by keeping them away from the area you want to keep pristine. It’s not just a matter of aesthetics, either: weeds can reduce the quality and quantity of forage for your animals. They also compete with your grass for sunlight, water and nutrients. If left uncontrolled, weeds can decrease pasture productivity and lead to lower stocking rates.
Weed control is a key component of any pasture management plan. A well-groomed hayfield with high quality forage provides the best results in terms of animal health, performance and profitability. However, a poorly managed weed population can have the opposite effect, decreasing production and forage quality and leading to decreased grazing efficiency and higher feeding costs. Weeds in pastures can be controlled with a combination of grazing animals, mowing, herbicides and physical removal.
A fence can stop weeds from growing by blocking their sunlight and access to water. Depending on the type of fence you have, it can also block their roots from getting through to the soil underneath. This is especially important for chain link fences, where the gaps in the metal can be a hotbed for weed growth.
Choosing a fence with fewer holes and a smooth surface is an excellent way to prevent weeds from invading your landscaping or garden areas. Another option is to use a plastic or composite edging along the bottom of your fence. This can block the weeds from growing, and will also save you time on mowing.
If you want a more permanent solution, consider using landscape fabric as a barrier. Landscape fabric is easy to install and will last a long time, making it an effective and sustainable method of controlling weeds and grasses around your fence line.
Herbicides are another good option for controlling weeds, but this is an extreme measure that should only be used in extreme cases. Be sure to follow all herbicide labels, as some can be dangerous if not used correctly. For example, the non-selective herbicide Glyphosate can kill both grass and broadleaf plants, which can have a negative impact on your pastures and soils.
Deterring Crime
A fence serves as a visual deterrent to criminals who may think twice about breaking into a property when they see a physical barrier that could make it difficult for them to get away should they be caught. Combined with other risk-control measures, such as motion-sensor lights and keeping shrubbery trimmed back from the house, fences are an effective tool in helping homeowners to keep their home and possessions safe.
Burglars and other criminals are often on the prowl for easy targets in residential neighborhoods. This includes homes with unlocked garage doors, unsecured sheds and fences and even vehicles left out in the open. A well-designed and secure fence is an excellent way for homeowners to protect their belongings from theft and vandalism, as it provides a clear boundary that criminals can’t easily cross.
Fences also provide a visual sign that the homeowner is serious about security. This can encourage other neighbors to follow suit, contributing to a safer neighborhood and boosting community spirit. In addition, fencing can be used to create a crime proof perimeter around businesses, making it more difficult for criminals to enter the premises.
An additional security feature of fences is their ability to help to limit the amount of trash that is thrown on or near the premises. This can reduce the risk of fire and minimize the amount of pollution that is caused by illegal dumping.
A security fence can also be designed to include an access control system, which will regulate the entry of authorized personnel and establish strict protocol for who is allowed to enter the premises. This is especially important in areas where sensitive equipment and materials are located.
Finally, a secure fence can help to discourage criminals from trading stolen goods. This activity is known as e-fencing, and it occurs when illegally obtained goods are sold through online marketplaces. E-fencing involves a minimum of three parties, including the original thief who stole the goods, the fence who sells them and the final purchaser.
In the past, a homeowner’s main way of deterring burglars was to plant bushes along their fence and pack them with sharp thorns so that anyone who attempts to climb over the bushes will be met with an unpleasant surprise. Today, technology has enabled homeowners to add an extra layer of security by combining their fences with wireless security cameras that are able to detect unauthorized movements and send the footage straight to the homeowner’s smartphone.